simplify energy.

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Simply store, use and manage energy with eSpectrum: a decentralised power supply optimised for your own consumption using battery storage systems - your own piece of security of supply.

Our Solutions

eCube – simplify energy. store it.

The eCube is a battery storage system with a fast-charging function: it can store excess energy that is not required for ongoing operation and make it available when needed. The battery cells as well as the complete inverter technology are housed in its container shell. This module can be supplemented with a 300kW fast charging station. The eCube is suitable for fixed installation, but also for mobile use thanks to its installation in a standard container and its plug-in connections.


eEMS – simplify energy. manage it.

The eEMS energy management system shows you how much energy is currently produced in your network and how much power is required. At the same time, eEMS takes into account important consumption data and uses this information to adapt the distribution of available energy to your needs and save costs.


simplify energy. take action. 

We offer you a comprehensive range of services:


eSpectrum realisiert Batteriespeicher für die SAK

Am 13. März 2024 durften wir zusammen mit unserer Auftraggeberin, der SAK in Rheineck, SG, den Spatenstich für den Bau eines Batteriespeichers feiern. Die SAK hat die eSpectrum AG mit der Gesamtverantwortung für das Projekt betraut.

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Referenzprojekt "Green Logistics by Galliker" powered by eCube

Ein neuer Meilenstein auf dem Weg hin zu zuverlässigen und grünen Logistiklösungen. Wir sind stolz darauf, mit der Galliker Transport AG, einem der renommiertesten und innovativsten Transportunternehmen der Schweiz, bei der Implementierung unserer Batteriespeicherlösung eCube zusammenzuarbeiten.

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